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Fractured Hand and Fractured Pelvic Bone: Training Post-Prom

Fractured Hand and Fractured Pelvic Bone: Training Post-Prom

I messed up my leg (Stress fractures in femur, pelvic bone, and i pulled my hip flexor) When I got back I didn't want to be a pussy though, and immediately tested my bench and did a cycle of 5/3/1 for bench only because my leg still hurt too bad for the other lifts. Now...
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Building the Monolith - 5/3/1 for Size

Building the Monolith - 5/3/1 for Size

6 Week Training Template for size: So this template is not easy but it is very doable – but only if you are dedicated to making it happen. “Dedicated” doesn’t just mean that you want to do it; it means you are dedicated to doing what it takes to get it done and that means EATING right. I had 4 people run this and all of them ate like champions – all ate at least..
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These Keep Me Going

These Keep Me Going

I started lifting at 16 (now 22) and so far you have gotten a naturally skinny kid with no athletic potential from 155lbs to 200lbs with a 250lb bench, 440lb deadlift and 375lb Squat. You even inspired me to compete in my first meet last year which was a great experience.
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Ernest Hemingway

Why Men of Action are Better

But there is another thing that makes a person with passion so damn awesome: They tend to stay the hell out of your business. This is because they are too damn busy to gossip, to force their shit down your throat. Their ego isn't so big that they claim to know what to do with your money, your time, your beliefs. Hell, there are actually adults out there telling OTHER ADULTS what words they can or cannot say. The ego on people these days. Unbelievable.
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Modern Day Dads

Modern Day Dads

This is a recent interview I did with Modern Day Dads.  This was a very different interview that didn't focus on training, programming or the Prowler.  Instead, this is about how I balance being a father with my career, my...

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Jim Wendler and Mark Watts

Article by Mark Watts - Things I Learned from Wendler, Rhodes and Darden

Some of the best advice I got from Jim wasn't training related. Right before my first daughter was born in the summer of 2009, I got a call from Jim (most of the time I called him) when I was teaching Physical Education for the Upward Bound program at Columbus State. I asked him about fatherhood and he told me two things.
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How Sore are you Today?

How Sore are you Today?

As much as I am impressed and amazed at watching the videos of Ed Coan, Dmitry Klokov, Stan Efferding and the other great lifters I admire, these videos offer a different perspective and attitude I think we all can learn from. Once again, the only thing you have control is your attitude. You can choose to be/associate with the gossip scum, the Facebook fucks and the petty Life Suckers that martyr their lives and jobs - "poor, poor ME." Or you can choose to turn off the negative and realize that this short life deserves the best of you. Don't waste your life surviving. Find your passion and go forth, full bore.
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