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King Ragnar Lothbrok - - Conditioning Queens vs. Kings

Conditioning Queens vs. Kings

After many years of running myself into the ground in high school, it wasn't until college that I realized how to properly condition. There is a trend amongst the natives that when you do conditioning, whether it be running, Prowler sprints/pushes, hill sprints, weight training circuits or whatever your poison YOU MUST STOP JUST SHY OF DEATH. This is the manly thing to do, right? No pain, no gain! No brain, all pain! (And subpar results!) You don't have to go all out - you don't have to fall to the ground, gasping for breath. It makes a good picture or YouTube video but what type of person trains for the camera?

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Darkthrone - blog

Darkthrone or Metallica: Which Training are You?

I've been on a mission the last few years to get people back to the roots of training; to get back to when training was fun, simple, and most importantly, free of the fluff and crap that has polluted MY WORLD.  When training was about strength, about moving weight, and moving bodies. About being proud of an added rep or 5 more pounds. Where performance and kicking ass are more important than how you look. Where people eat to live, not live to eat. Where trucks are pushed and sleds are pulled. Where reps and weight are counted, calories are not. Where running isn't considered the Devil and you don't measure your workout by how much you threw up.

With that in mind, here's a list of some simple rules that we follow:

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Fasted Cardio

Fasted Cardio

Question: Fasted cardio...worth it? If your schedule permitted and your main goal at the time was fat loss, would you do some of your prowler work/hill sprints in the morning on an empty stomach?

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