Hardcore Training

Hardcore Training

A few weeks back it was very cold - the garage was numbing, the bars hurt my hands and the wind kept blowing snow into my face while I lifted. Just one of those days. And all I could think was "there are a million places I'd rather be than here." It was fucking miserable. So many of my training days have been miserable. I can't count how many practices I've been in where it was worse. I've played in -30 below weather a couple different times. I've run conditioning when it's over 110 degrees. And they all sucked. And never did I ever think I was hardcore. Hardcore is a pretty new term in training - before you just tried to work harder than the next guy in hopes of performing better later. It had nothing to do with how big your training dick was. I don't know a single person who has perspective that measures his training by how hardcore he is. Not one single person. A real competitor would never let his competition know about his training - I'm sure everyone and his mother has read Sun Tzu; appear weak when you are strongest, etc., Why would I want the other teams to know our guys were out running hills before they even got out of bed? Hell, they might take some notes! The point is, hardcore is a term made up by people who aren't hardcore. It's used by pretenders. It's used to motivate those that need some rah-rah bullshit to get them up before a lift. And therein lies the rub. Those who have trained, consistently, year in, year out, no matter the weather, day or circumstances don't need motivation. They have discipline. And that's why you train when it's the last thing you want to do.

Pegg and Wendler: prior to too many pregnancies Pegg and Wendler: prior to too many pregnancies

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