5/3/1 Training Podcast

5/3/1 Training Podcast

I was lucky enough to be part of Travis Mash's podcast a couple weeks ago.  I first met Travis when he was an EliteFTS sponsored athlete; like many people that were sponsored by EliteFTS, I spent a lot of time on the phone with these guys.  While most of the time it was your basic, bullshit banter we'd also talk about training.  And it was always awesome to hear how Travis trained or what new little thing he was trying.  And even though EliteFTS hosted training logs from different athletes all over the globe, the only way we really knew if something was real was meet time.  There was no social media to keep people updated or to showcase gym lifts; the proof was on meet day.  And Travis definitely lived up to expectations.  In other words, he wasn't all talk and no bite.

Here is the two part podcast I did with Travis.  Enjoy.

The first part of the interview is background, my time at EliteFTS, Westside Barbell and my experiences in training, football and powerlifting.


Listen to "240 - Jim Wendler (Part 1)" on Spreaker.


The second part of the interview touches on coaching high school football players and what we do differently than most teams.


Listen to "241 - Jim Wendler on Training High Schoolers (Part 2)" on Spreaker.

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