Weight Vest Training (Revisiting the WALRUS)

Weight Vest Training (Revisiting the WALRUS)

Those of you who have read the 5/3/1 Forever book know about WaLRUS Training. Those that haven’t read the book, here is a quick summary. After my back surgery, I needed a way of rehabbing my back and challenging myself physically. Since I couldn’t use a barbell, I began using a weighted vest. I set some standards and started working towards them.   Note: it’s called WALRUS Training  because it is the fat, gross cousin to the Navy Seals. I also refer to it as being a Suburban Commando. No lawn too big to mow!

 Over the years, the WALRUS has become a bigger part of my training life. And with time comes some variations. If you have access to a weighted vest and some KB’s or DB’s – here are some of the various challenges/standards I have set/met.

 Challenge #1

 Vest Weight – 88lbs

  • DB Squat – 100lbs DB (or KB) x 50 total reps
  • Push-ups (or Dips) – 50 total reps
  • Chin-ups/Pull-ups – 25 total reps

 Time Limit – 30 minutes


Challenge #2

 Vest Weight – 88lbs

  • Squat (no additional weight other than the vest) – 250 total reps
  • Push-ups (or Dips) – 50 total reps
  • Chin-ups/Pull-ups – 25 total reps

 Time Limit – 30 minutes


Challenge #3

 Vest Weight – 10% of bodyweight


  • KB Snatch – 106 x 50 total reps/arm
  • Push-ups (or Dips) – 50 total reps
  • Chin-ups/Pull-ups – 25 total reps

  Time Limit – 30 minutes


Challenge #4

 Vest Weight – 88lbs


  • Walking Lunges – 50 reps/leg
  • Push-ups (or Dips) – 50 total reps
  • Chin-ups/Pull-ups – 25 total reps

  Time Limit – 30 minutes


There are other challenges in the book but these are the ones that I’ve been concentrating on.

 Understand that the vest weight is for the challenge, not the training. Training should NOT be testing. Generally, I can use a 50-60lbs vest as part of training and achieve challenges 1, 2 and 4. For the KB Snatch Challenge, I usually train with a 70-88lbs KB. I always make sure that the training isn’t Social Media Training – i.e. I don’t do stupid shit to get cool points. I train in such a way that I have a good day and come back to fight another day.

 Most of my training consists of weight vest training; However, if you too wish to become one with the Ways of the Suburban Warrior but still desire to use the barbell; do the main lift of the day and use the above as a template for your assistance work.

 Understand that the 88lbs weight vest standard is nothing scientific; that’s the heaviest weight my vest can hold. So feel free to adjust based on your strength levels and what you have access to.

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