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EliteFTS Table Talk

EliteFTS Table Talk

I met Dave in 2000 and he was the first person to really give me a chance.  I was working as a G.A. at the University of Kentucky's weight room; working with football and a few other sports. However, when you are a G.A., you aren't really on the food chain.  And for Dave to give me a chance and believe in me was a huge boost.
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Jim Wendler

5/3/1 Tops the List - Most Popular Programs

I had no idea I'd write a book - I just love training. And I still do. And as you become more and more popular and try to help others, you will be hated by more and more. It is just part of the game and it's good to know that you will occupy the mind/time of total losers who hang on to your every word. They are just waiting to comment and send you something shitty. Conor McGregor recently said something important: "Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners." Seems to be about right.

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