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5/3/1 Bench Press Questions

5/3/1 Bench Press Questions

You have listed 5x5/3/1 as the go to template to use for bench on the hardgainers template. Also I have noticed it pop up on other programs sort of the way widowmakers go with squats and BBS goes with the press. My question is have your thoughts now changed regarding the use of 5x5/3/1 as the go to for bench?
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Sled King

Sled King

There seems to be a theme lately with people who are hurt/injured and can't do certain movements. Trust me, I know your pain.
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Jim Wendler Bench Press - Quote

Bench Press - How To Set Up In 8 Steps

However you choose to bench press, make sure every single rep, regardless of weight is done with perfection. This goes for the squat, deadlift, press and any other big barbell lift. I've never seen any strong, experienced lifter take any set lightly - they demand perfection from the bar to their max. Think back to the last time you bench pressed - did you have a perfect set-up on the very first rep with the empty bar? Did you treat it with the same importance as your last max attempt? The beginner still thinks there must be some kind of special secret or trick. A veteran lifter always makes sure the simple things are taken care of; they aren't ever sexy but they always work.
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