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A Year of 5/3/1: The Results

A Year of 5/3/1: The Results

Under his own admission, Gabe thought these goals were pipe dreams. However see his progress after a year of dedicated training with the 5/3/1 program.

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    Anyone Can Find 2 Days A Week For Strength

    Anyone Can Find 2 Days A Week For Strength

    In a previous life I was military explosive ordnance disposal technician and approaching 40 I feel every mile run, bomb suit worn, parachute landing, and Afghan trail cleared.

    Now as a father of two very young ones with limited time I believe you wrote the 2x2x2 program with me mind. Without a doubt anyone can find two days a week for strength.
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    Krypteia Training Program -

    Krypteia Training Review

    The Krypteia program has been used by all the HS/College athletes I work with and members of the private forum.  Here is a review of this program by forum member Josh.  This was done in two parts and over time;...

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    Effective Simplicity for the Busy Man

    Effective Simplicity for the Busy Man

    Although I love weightlifting, and it is a very important part of my life, I am also a busy person with many other interests outside the gym. 5/3/1 allows me to get in, get the work done and get out in a reasonable time, while still making excellent progress over the span of the year.
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    Building the Monolith. Jim Wendler

    Building the Monolith Review: Did It Actually Work...

    I'm 5'9", 195 pounds. I've lifted all kinds of programs for twenty years now, so I'm not experiencing beginner gains or whatever. I've been all 5/3/1, a little bit of a Wendler homer, and pleased with every result I've gotten since I decided to go all in with 5/3/1 about 14 months ago. I'm an average guy: literature and writing professor, dad and husband. I'm definitely not someone who can do things most others aren't physically capable of doing...

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