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Struggling with the Bench Press

Struggling with the Bench Press

The popularity of the bench press needs no introduction – it’s the Prom King, captain of the football team and is banging the hottest cheerleader. Besides questions on accessory work, the bench press and how to increase it is the top question I get asked. But anytime I give advice to someone they respond with a host of reasons why it won’t work for them. So let’s present some of the best ways to increase your bench press, the excuses and then responses to the excuses.
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Training Questions Regarding Young Athletes

Training Questions Regarding Young Athletes

I'm amazed at how many people train kids like they are Olympic level athletes who need some advanced programming/training.  It is also equally obnoxious to train them like they are elderly or made of glass, having entire workouts of pre-hab, rehab and balance work.  If you are an athlete who hasn't mastered basic calisthenics, running and bodyweight movements, you better build your base before you try to touch the clouds.  No base = no foundation.  And a proper foundation isn't built on a Bosu.
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Jim Wendler Squat

Strong and Fast

When I first started lifting weights, I squatted, pressed, and pulled. I did these lifts with very little thought – I just muscled the weights up in an all-out effort to break every world record in less than two years. I didn't think about my stance or my grip or where my shoulders were when I bench pressed. I didn't think about anything.
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15 Ideas on WALRUS Training

15 Ideas on WALRUS Training

I jokingly call this WALRUS training because it is the fat, gross cousin of the Navy SEAL.  This is for the Suburban Commando; able to mow any lawn, shovel any driveway or clean out any amount of gutters.  Obviously, this is very tongue in cheek.  If you can rip off 200 squats, 100 push-ups and 50 chin-up/pull-ups with an 80lbs vest in 30 minutes, you are going to be in pretty good shape (and strong) for just about anything.
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Why Dips are Awesome

Why Dips are Awesome

A few years ago, Vincent Dizenzo and I were talking about training and he stated that if he had to choose one main pressing movement for training, it would be the dip. At the time we had this conversation, I was unable to perform dips due to shoulder issues. So I immediately became jealous. But I also saw the truth in his statement.
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My Conditioning by Era

My Conditioning by Era

Not training for a specific sport allows a lot of freedom and is insanely easy to do. But like training for a sport, consistency and discipline are key to getting the job done.  Like I tell my athletes, "Strong legs, strong lungs!"
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Dal Gains, Wichita, Kansas, Fire Station 5

Carry Your Own Weight

Question: I'm a firefighter and would like to know when I should focus on losing body fat or concentrate on getting stronger.
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Realities of Training High School Athletes

Realities of Training High School Athletes

Understand that there are many different ways to train an athlete; there are many different coaches that use varying training programs to train their athletes. Not acknowledging this violates Jim Wendler's Coaching Rule #1
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Anti-Concussion Protocol

Anti-Concussion Protocol

Concussions have become Public Enemy #1 the last few years. The pendulum has swung all the way to other side; years ago, concussions were just part of the game of football. Now, a gentle breeze through your hair requires a trip to the emergency room and a pacifier.  However, when it comes to the health of your noggin, you cannot be too careful.
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