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Matt Carlson Reading 5/3/1 Forever - - programming for size, speed, strength

How Does 5/3/1 FOREVER Measure Up? And What's In It For You?

The difference in Jim's new book is the inclusion of the wavy Leader and Anchor cycles, and the black-and-white concepts of how to move from template to template intelligently with the 7th Week protocols; add in to that fully programmed and integrated supplemental, assistance, and conditioning suggestions for each template, and you're all of the sudden provided with one-on-one coaching levels of programming...
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Jim Wendler Pushing Prowler -

A Letter to My Younger Self

Remember walking back from track practice amazed at your new speed? Remember looking up at the sky and thinking, "Making my body stronger made my body faster?" Don't worry, this secret is safe with us as few people seemed to have grasped it, "experts" included.

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Krypteia Training Program -

Krypteia Training Review

The Krypteia program has been used by all the HS/College athletes I work with and members of the private forum.  Here is a review of this program by forum member Josh.  This was done in two parts and over time;...

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Jim Wendler on CNBC 2:  The Importance of Discipline and Goal-Setting

Jim Wendler on CNBC 2: The Importance of Discipline and Goal-Setting

Building discipline by saying you're going to do something and doing it works whether you're starting a new career or breaking out of your current job, trying to save money for a future purchase or looking to retire early. Setting small, achievable goals, and then achieving them, helps you build confidence in yourself and succeed in the long run.

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What You Do Matters

What You Do Matters

This is from the Jim Wendler forum. I wrote this almost 4 years ago and think it's important for people to read, especially young people who currently have jobs they hate.  Or maybe if you are years into your career and aren't sure about your choice.  Or maybe you downplay/criticize what others do in order to "put them in their place".
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Mike Alstott - - In Season Training of the Multi-Sport HS Athlete

In Season Training for the Multi-Sport HS Athlete

I'm going to be speaking at a clinic. The topic is "Training the Multi-Sport HS Athlete." Anyway, I have my own experiences obviously, but was wondering since you are training HS kids now, have you had any experiences with kids who are multi sport? Just wanted your input.

So this answer is going to be a little disjointed and done in a bullet-point fashion. So these aren't listed in priority, just how I thought of them.

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    5/3/1 Forever: Simple And Effective Programming For Size, Speed And Strength -

    5/3/1 Forever Excerpt: Recovery

    The following is a portion of the new book, 5/3/1 Forever.  The book is extensive and covers how to PROGRAM your training for long term results.  Besides the actual weight training, conditioning, jumps/throws, mobility, conditioning and recovery are discussed.  This has been years in the making with a lot of successes and a lot of failures.  The goal of the book is to give you the tools to help plan and periodize your training, whatever your goals may be.
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    Goal Setting - Hill Running - blog

    One Goal, One Year

    I have become better at reaching goals and goal setting. We all like to think we have goals and have good intentions to reach them but the reality is that many of us get side tracked on the way. Very few times is one's reach too far. I think most of us are pretty honest with ourselves. There are not a lot of 40 year old men who REALLY think they are going to make the Olympic finals in the 100m dash. The problem in reaching them is that the ACTIONS are more about the end goal than about the process to achieve them.
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    Darkthrone - blog

    Darkthrone or Metallica: Which Training are You?

    I've been on a mission the last few years to get people back to the roots of training; to get back to when training was fun, simple, and most importantly, free of the fluff and crap that has polluted MY WORLD.  When training was about strength, about moving weight, and moving bodies. About being proud of an added rep or 5 more pounds. Where performance and kicking ass are more important than how you look. Where people eat to live, not live to eat. Where trucks are pushed and sleds are pulled. Where reps and weight are counted, calories are not. Where running isn't considered the Devil and you don't measure your workout by how much you threw up.

    With that in mind, here's a list of some simple rules that we follow:

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    Steve Goggins

    Your First Powerlifting Meet

    No one's going to judge you as a person on how much weight you lift; and if they do, their opinions aren't worth a watery dump. Since you are new to this, let me offer a few points.

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    Lord Mantis - Jim Wendler Blog

    Weekend Q/A: A Plethora of Souls Guided to Swing Their Richards Again

    Question: I wanted to get your thoughts on this. I'm a college student and next week I'm taking a new job unloading trucks at UPS. I worked there over Christmas peak season and my training went to shit. When I start next week I'll probably be working around five hours a day, five days a week. After a couple days of working there it begins to be a bitch. I'm planning on adjusting my training schedule from 4 days/week to 2 days/week. Keep in mind, I'm trying to stay as north of vag as possible, but I was wondering how you would recommend balancing my training schedule with my work schedule and avoid burning out.

    Answer: I did this for a year as a job. I lifted 4 days/week and ran hills 4 days/week. You’ll be fine. First week sucks but you’ll adapt. Quick tucking it and let it swing.
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    Boring But Big, 3 Month Challenge

    Boring But Big, 3 Month Challenge

    Since I released the first edition of 5/3/1: The Simplest and Most Effective Training System for Building Raw Strength in 2009, I've been asked many questions about supplemental and assistance work.

    The most popular, effective, and brutal accessory plan is something I called Boring But Big.

    The Boring But Big supplemental program is simple. After completing the strength work with the basic exercise (squat, press, bench press or deadlift), you perform 5 sets of 10 reps with a lighter weight. This might not seem like much work, but it'll lead to new gains in strength and hypertrophy.

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    Uppers, Bars and Your Yearly Goal

    Uppers, Bars and Your Yearly Goal

    Q:  I am not a huge fan of caffeine (aside from my morning cup of coffee) but there are times when after a long day at work it is really tough to get up for a good workout. My drug of choice here would be sugar-free Red Bull, but I am leery to start introducing something like that to my routine. What do you think - good, bad, who really gives a crap if it works for you?

    A:  If you can tolerate it, it’s fine. If not, don’t use it. It’s not like you are injecting heroin so I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Stimulants, especially the older you get, have a bigger price so be sure you are willing to pay it.

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    Training Advice for an Older Lifter

    Training Advice for an Older Lifter

    I know there are a lot of variables to this question but do you find that older lifters (over 55) respond better to full body training 2 days a week or focusing on one main lift a day 4 days a week?

    It doesn't matter at all - for any lifter. People get so caught up in this stuff, and I totally understand why, but it doesn't matter at all. Just like where you put the bar when you squat, what kind of grip you take on chins/pull-ups, casein vs. whey...I should write an article on this. Just a lot of bickering and ridiculousness.

    Anyway, with an older lifter there are a couple things that need to be addressed/looked at. First...
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