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5/3/1 Forever Excerpt: Recovery
Doing it Right the First Time
I just had a question regarding missing reps. I've done about 5 cycles of 531 now and love it. Some odd days I might mess my final set up by having a bad starting position or something small. I usually end up repeating the final set again properly, not sure if this is wise.
In the future, if I miss the # of required reps should I:
(a) punch a hole in the gym wall, rip my hair out and worry about it for the next 4 weeks
(b) suck it up and do it again
(c) forget about it and continue to assistance work
(d) kill myself
Monday Q/A with Jim Wendler
I am 31 5'9 and weigh a jello-like 376 as of yesterday. I have purchased your 5/3/1 2nd edition and was wondering if there were any special tips you can give me on dropping this fat suit that aren't in the book?
Advanced Lifter - Time to Take the Test
How do you know you're an advanced lifter?
Take the following test and see how you score.
Choose the best answer possible!
Athletes, Cleans and Baseball
Conditioning Queens vs. Kings
Delicious Chicken Recipe
Really? * Fire up the grill. * Put chicken on grill. * Cook chicken. * Eat it. ------------------------------------------------------- New Flask now in the store Free Training Articles - The Forum - Training Programs
Gaining Weight for the High School Athlete
You CAN Out Train Your Diet
One Goal, One Year
Chalk, Music and Plates - Building Your Home Gym
Darkthrone or Metallica: Which Training are You?
I've been on a mission the last few years to get people back to the roots of training; to get back to when training was fun, simple, and most importantly, free of the fluff and crap that has polluted MY WORLD. When training was about strength, about moving weight, and moving bodies. About being proud of an added rep or 5 more pounds. Where performance and kicking ass are more important than how you look. Where people eat to live, not live to eat. Where trucks are pushed and sleds are pulled. Where reps and weight are counted, calories are not. Where running isn't considered the Devil and you don't measure your workout by how much you threw up.
With that in mind, here's a list of some simple rules that we follow:
Saying of the Weak
This is especially popular amongst the population that believes that squats, presses, rows, chins, and pulls DON'T work for them. This is because...