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Fasted Cardio

Fasted Cardio

Question: Fasted cardio...worth it? If your schedule permitted and your main goal at the time was fat loss, would you do some of your prowler work/hill sprints in the morning on an empty stomach?

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Weighted Chin Ups

Weighted Chin Ups

I like weighted chin ups. I'm not voting for them in the next "Five Awesome Exercises" election but they certainly have their place. I've championed chin ups for years, mostly because they're great for the upper back, lats, and arms. And because you can do them anywhere – chin-up bar, top of the Smith machine, scaffolding, top of the monolift, playground equipment, etc. Weighted chin ups are a good idea IF you can do them, and even then you still need to keep bodyweight chin ups as part of your training (unless you can bang out multiple sets of 20 with good form). And if that's the case, gain some weight!
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Small Changes, Big Impact

Small Changes, Big Impact

Basically, we kicked the rest of the world’s butt, stole their lunch money and slept with their girlfriends when it came to track cycling. When the performance director was asked by the outside media about the key practices they had implemented in pursuit of this success, he told them with a bone dead straight face that they had super round laser cut wheels which gave them a major speed advantage. The morons lapped it up. The foreign newspapers printed the story. Everyone laughed...
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Uni-lateral Training: Let it mellow or flush?

Uni-lateral Training: Let it mellow or flush?

The best thing about the fitness and strength industry is that you can always rely on it for some really good laughs. The fact that unilateral exercises have sparked such heated debate is amusing, and as always, the answer lies somewhere in the middle. First, let's examine the pro-unilateral crowd:
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Building the Monolith - 5/3/1 for Size

Building the Monolith - 5/3/1 for Size

6 Week Training Template for size: So this template is not easy but it is very doable – but only if you are dedicated to making it happen. “Dedicated” doesn’t just mean that you want to do it; it means you are dedicated to doing what it takes to get it done and that means EATING right. I had 4 people run this and all of them ate like champions – all ate at least..
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These Keep Me Going

These Keep Me Going

I started lifting at 16 (now 22) and so far you have gotten a naturally skinny kid with no athletic potential from 155lbs to 200lbs with a 250lb bench, 440lb deadlift and 375lb Squat. You even inspired me to compete in my first meet last year which was a great experience.
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Advice to Football Players

Advice to Football Players

"Read a book and go to class. You don't need to be a genius to do both of these things. People get VERY upset when you have interest outside of what they peg you to be. It makes them uncomfortable because they usually suck at everything. This is good. Make them upset by being better."
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5/3/1 and a 10K

5/3/1 and a 10K

Hey Jim, first off I wanted to say thank you for writing the 5/3/1 program. I love it, it keeps me grounded and I am making great gains from it. So much so that I wanted to share them with you. You don't hear a lot about conditioning goals being reached on here so I thought you might appreciate this.
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Jim Wendler

5/3/1 Tops the List - Most Popular Programs

I had no idea I'd write a book - I just love training. And I still do. And as you become more and more popular and try to help others, you will be hated by more and more. It is just part of the game and it's good to know that you will occupy the mind/time of total losers who hang on to your every word. They are just waiting to comment and send you something shitty. Conor McGregor recently said something important: "Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners." Seems to be about right.

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531 Boring But Big

Boring But Big

Without a doubt, the Boring But Big is the most popular assistance template for the 5/3/1 training program.  This is because it is easy to program, easy to use and great for both strength and size.  There are two basic ways to do the Boring But Big template:

Example 1

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5/3/1: The Simplest and Most Effective Training Program for Building Raw Strength (Ebook)

5/3/1: The Simplest and Most Effective Training Program for Building Raw Strength (Ebook)

The success of the 5/3/1 Method has been nothing short of extraordinary. The response towards this simple but brutally effective training system has been overwhelming. This is because it works. And works for just about anyone willing to put in the discipline and work that getting stronger requires Elite level lifters to absolute beginners have all used the 5/3/1 Method; the basic tenets of strength training have and will never change. Big exercises, constant progress, and personal records will never go out of style. High school and college coaches are now using the 5/3/1 with their athletes with amazing success; it is easy to track, implement and will inspire any team to push for themselves to the limit. Powerlifters use this program, for both raw meets and geared meets. The 5/3/1 Method is truly for anyone that is looking to get stronger. This is not a fancy training program that requires special equipment or Master's degree - all is required is your dedication to moving more weight than you had ever dreamed.
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